The treasury is made by fellow "Etsian" sevenfiftythree and is her first treasury ever! It is called, "When the Ocean kissed the Sky." Here is the link to the actual treasury so you can check it out for the next two days while it is still active!
Remember, treasuries expire after about 2 days (3 if you're lucky!) so this link won't be active forever. Check it out now and comment, pretty please! :-)
We are also featured in two BNR Treasuries right now!
1. BNR FABULOUS BNR, by ShelleAnne
2. AMAZING Ongoing BNR, by ptdrummajor
A BNR Treasury stands for "Buy and Replace." That means you could purchase your very own Spa Tower from one of the BNR Treasuries and your shop would then be featured in our place! Just another fun thing that Etsy does! :-)